Showing posts with label farm business. Show all posts
Showing posts with label farm business. Show all posts

Monday, November 12, 2012

Winter work on grassland will pay dividends

Some timely ideas for grassland farmers to think of doing now

A 'Think Piece' Blog:  Traditional grass management involves doing nothing over the winter months. Farmers wait until the soil warms up in the spring, when fertiliser is applied and the roller and the chain harrow get their annual outing. This Blog suggests that farmers who forget about their grassland over the winter are missing a trick. There's plenty of planning, and also when conditions are right some field work which will pay dividends in the following season.

Winter is the time for livestock farmers to plan the next season's grazing. Six months from now cattle and sheep will be getting much if not all their feed from the grass you grow, and the more pre-season preparation you can do the better grass production will result. Stock will grow, gain condition and provide financial returns on low cost grazing. 

What areas of the grazing need to be checked, and what can I do about it in the cold winter months?

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Will the Grocery Ombudsman help lift farm product prices?

Will the new Grocery Ombudsman help farmers?

Call me a pessimist, but I doubt it. The more law the more entrenched the protagonists. Supermarket buyers will make sure their new contracts are worded so they can operate as normal. Will the Ombudsman be busy? I doubt it. How many farmers and small processors will use the service and subsequently risk a future contract?

The commitment is for low inflation and low supermarket prices, and however achieved, these help keep the nation happy. Few people understand the problems of the industry - they have enough difficulties in their own sectors to be concerned about others.

Creating a Grocery Ombudsman tells farmers that the government is concerned, answers the NFU by showing that something is being done to directly address the issue of supermarket power and dominance. The Ombudsman is not there to look at farming viability, or indeed the comparative strengths and weaknesses of players in the food chain.

There are other actions that could improve the terms of trade for farmers. Gwyn Jones, NFU Dairy Director has been working on milk contracts, devising an agreement fair to both sides. The widespread adoption of fair contracts which have at least in part be written by the producer and not simply provided by the buyer, be it in milk, strawberries or fresh beef or lamb, would go a long way to help. If buyers realised they had to go along with such contracts to be certain of supply, and that these contracts were by and large fair to both parties, change could take place.

Public pressure can still be effective. Farmers need to be continually devising ways of letting consumers of their products know they are being supplied at or below cost. The countryside got together over hunting. Maybe the same organisations, which all make good use of farming land for their sport, should be asked to help the farmers, who after all give them the land on which to gallop, the coverts for their non-quarry, and feed for their steeds!

The Grocery Ombudsman is about politics, not livelihood. Once established, consumers will be able to justify in their mind the low prices they see on supermarket shelves - be happy with the two-for-one promotions which are often funded by the suppliers, not the generous retailers, as are so many of the special offers etc, as well as any costs associated with in-store product promotion. Will the Ombudsman be able to change these practices? It's doubtful, but buyers are going to need to be careful to include for them in the supply contracts. The real issue is that they shouldn't be there in the first place.

The new issue of Practical Farm Ideas Vol 18 - 2 is now published. Get the full contents.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Fertiliser wastage

Fertiliser wastage

Did you know that nine farmers out of ten waste fertiliser by failing to mount the spreader on the tractor accurately? That the waste of fertiliser can be between 5 and 10 per cent. A striped colour happens when some parts of the field get more than the planned amount, and other parts get less - BUT it's only visible when the difference is more than 15%. The farmer may well use the correct quantity, but the spread pattern is wrong... simply because the the machine has been put on inaccurately.

At today's fertiliser prices it racks up a loss few farmers can afford. Improve accuracy and there's an opportunity to reduce the amount applied. Improve accuracy and total yield improves as each plant receives the recommended calculated application.

There's a useful Practical Farm IDEAS on-line report on which has 15 useful tips to get the job done correctly, without spending money on a new fertiliser spreader.